The Sturt Sabres Domestic Basketball League (SSDBL) is a local, entry level alternative to District basketball for boys and girls from U8s to U19s. The competition is flexible with a focus on enjoyment and learning fundamental Basketball skills.

The Sturt Sabres Domestic League runs all year round. Summer Season being in Terms 4 and 1, and our Winter Season being in Terms 2 and 3.

You can enter your own team or request to be placed into one of our own Domestic teams. Sturt will also provide coaches for teams that do not have a coach readily available.

For players who would like to develop their skills further, we offer optional training sessions. This is a great way to introduce your child to competitive Basketball in a relaxed and social environment. 

How do I join Sturt Domestic?

All information can be found here:

To successfully register, all fees must be paid in full, including the BSA affiliation fee.


What is the difference between Domestic and District basketball

While District has a higher skill level and time commitment, the SSDBL offers a cost-effective, more relaxed environment in the Pasadena area. Children may opt-in or out at any point during the season, and trainings are optional to attend.

How do the seasons work?
The Sturt Sabres Domestic League runs all year round. Summer Season being in Terms 4 and 1, and our Winter Season being in Terms 2 and 3.

How much does it cost?

Domestic Season
  1. Fee- $275 per player
  2. BSA Annual Affiliation fee - $25.75 per player (yearly fee)
( Note: no ongoing costs)
If you are able to provide your own team coach, the coach will receive $50 off their registration fees.
Spectators are not charged entry fees.

What skill level or experience does my child need?
Players of any skill level and experience are welcome

Who do we play against?
Teams are separated into pools based on skill level, after a 3-week grading period. This ensures the most fair and enjoyable competition is played. Teams typically originate from social groups, other sporting clubs, teams created through schools, or teams comprised of individual players.

How are new players placed in teams?
New players will be placed in teams whose numbers can facilitate a new player, or based on pre-existing friendships

When are games played?
All matches are played on Saturday afternoons. The earliest time slot is 11:50am. Typically, the younger age groups play first, with the older age groups playing later. Requests can be made for particular times. The club will adhere to these requests as practically as possible.

Where are games played?
All games are played at Springbank Sports Centre and Unley High School. In seasons where we have had large team numbers or in cases where a stadium may be unavailable, we have used stadiums such as Immanuel College, Marion Leisure Centre, and Walford Gymnasium.

Can my child train?
Training sessions are available to all SSDBL players, whether or not they play games on the Saturdays. The only provision is they have paid the BSA Affiliation fee.

When are trainings?
If your child would like to train, we offer domestic trainings. Noting our domestic trainings are optional, they are not mandatory as players do not train within their teams and all are welcome. All the domestic trainings this term will now be run by myself and assisted by junior district players or sturt domestic coaches.

All registered players are welcome to attend optional trainings. 

Boys - Under 8s/Under 10s and All Girls Training - 5:00pm-5:45pm Fridays at Springbank Secondary College.

Boys - Under 12s/14s/16s Training - 5:00pm-5:45pm Thursdays at Springbank Secondary College

To register, please follow the below steps:

1. Register or Login to Teaming here: 

2. Once all children's details are confirmed, register to the "Domestic Training" season, selecting the correct age group and day.

Please bring a drink bottle and basketball to all sessions.

Are trainings compulsory? (THIS CAN BE REMOVED)
Trainings are not compulsory. Note: We offer our trainings to all players as they do not train within their teams but rather these training sessions are more skills based.

Who coaches the teams?
Most teams provide their own coach. For teams who cannot, Sturt may supply a coach, for an extra $10 per week match fee. All coaches are trained and are experienced Junior District or NBL1 players. All coaches are supervised by the Domestic Coordinator and ensure players are learning in a fun, enjoyable and safe atmosphere.

Can entire new teams enter?
Yes they can! Sturt encourages teams to form 'clubs', as there are financial and organisational incentives for doing so. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.

The SSDBL welcomes players or teams from Netball, AFL, Soccer and other community groups, especially in the off-season. 

Is there an opportunity for Domestic players to move into District basketball?
Yes, many Domestic players have progressed into District sides as they have improved, and an opportunity has become available. We would encourage players who move to District, as well as current District players, to continue to play Domestic at the same time.

What are the age groups for Summer 22/23 and Winter 2023?
Age grouping is in line with the district program based on year of birth (see below), however in the SJDL we are flexible depending on experience and ability and will treat each player on a case-by-case basis where necessary.

U8s – 2015/2016/2017
U10s – 2014/2015
U12s – 2012/2013
U14s – 2010/2011
U16s – 2008/2009
U19s – 2005/2006/2007

What are the timing conditions for games?
Under 8s play 2 x 20 minute halves. All other age groups play 4 x 10 minute quarters. The game clock will not stop, and there are one minute breaks during intervals.

Are games modified for very young players?
Yes. SSDBL has some minor changes to Under 8 games to encourage participation and learn the basics of the game.

- One coach per team is permitted on the court to aid with direction and spacing. They must not obstruct the play whilst on the court.

- When a player violates, the referees will stop the game and constructively advise the player what they did wrong. Play commences from where the violation occurred on the court. A follow up violation results in a turnover as normal.

- There is no full-court defence to be played at any time. Coaches must enforce this, and referees may stop the game if necessary to ensure players fall back to half-court.

What opportunities are there for girls to start playing?
Our Pink Devils girls’ program is the only one of its kind in SA! Starting at 1 team in 2016 and evolving to as many as 11 per season, it is a great way to get involved in basketball with a friendly balance of fun and competitiveness. Sturt welcomes girls of all skill levels to be a part of the Pink Devils program. Girls in older age groups are encouraged to express interest if they would like to play socially.

How much does the uniform cost?
Players only require a reversible singlet to participate in the SSDBL. You can purchase it for $71 here:

How does my child get a uniform and playing number?

Go here to the uniform shop - Only the reversible singlet is required to play in the SSDBL. If teams do not have a consistent coloured uniform, or any at all, they must purchase the reversible to use.

Note shorts with pockets are not permitted on the court.

Turnaround times for jerseys are between 4-6 weeks. 

Duplicate numbers in SSDBL are not recommended, however no penalties will be enforced.

Who do I Contact for more information?

You may contact the Domestic Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

General enquiries can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Teams wanting to purchase a full set of uniforms can through the following:


Easy, just go to the Sturt Sabres web site, click Domestic > Domestic Intent to Play.

From there just fill in your details and pay a $20.76 affiliation fee to register with Basketball South Australia and Basketball Australia. To complete the registration form, the affiliation fee and administrative fees would need to be paid in full. (For further clarification on fees see FAQ further below)

The Sturt Sabres Domestic League is a low cost, local, entry level alternative to District basketball. You can start with the Domestic League at any stage of the season and there is more flexibility in terms of standard and commitment.

The Sturt Sabres Domestic League runs all year round, and follows the school terms. Our Summer Season runs for Term 4 and Term 1, while our Winter Season runs for Terms 2 and 3.

Domestic Season & Game Fees

Season Registration fee $140

Gameday fees = $65 where coach is supplied

Gameday fees = $75 where coach is provided

Change name to Summer 2022 / 23

15 rounds over Term 4 and Term 1

Dates = 29 October and remove "final round" date for now

Domestic Training Fees
$65 per term


Players of any skill level and experience are welcome

We create teams based on interested players that play against each other, along with other teams that are entered into the competitions from other groups (football, netball, school, church etc.)

New players will be placed in teams whose numbers can facilitate a new player, or based on pre-existing friendships

All games are played on Saturday afternoons starting at 11:50am. Games are played in 50 minute allotments. Younger age groups are earlier and older age groups are later, but times are very similar every week.

All games are played at Springbank Sports Centre and Unley High School. In seasons where we have had large team numbers or in cases where a stadium may be unavaliable, we have used stadiums such as Immanuel College, Marion Leisure Centre and Walford Gymnasium.

Training sessions are available to all Sturt Domestic League players, whether or not they play games on the Saturdays.

If your child would like to train we offer domestic trainings. Noting our domestic trainings are optional, they are not mandatory as players do not train within their teams and all are welcome. All the domestic trainings this term will now be run by myself and assisted by junior district players or sturt domestic coaches.

Boys and Girls - Under 8s/Under 10s Training - 5:00pm to 5:45pm on Friday Afternoons at Springbank Secondary College - (50 spots available)

Boys and Girls - Under 12s/14s/16s Training - 5:00pm to 5:45pm on Thursday Afternoons at Springbank Secondary College - (40 spots available)


  1. Create a user account by visiting (if you already have an account e.g. from trials/camps then sign-in) -
  2. Once you have confirmed your account and logged in, add your children/s details that will be participating in the training
  3. Register your child/ren into the “Domestic Training 2021 – Term 4” season and select appropriate age-group/day for the trainings this term.

Players must bring own basketball and drink bottle to training sessions.

Trainings are not compulsory. Note: We offer our trainings to all players as they do not train within their teams but rather these training sessions are more skills based.

Some teams provide their own coach. For others, Sturt supplies the coaches, usually the younger members of our Premier League or Senior, Youth League or older junior District players. The coaches are high quality and ensure the players are learning in a fun, enjoyable, safe atmosphere.

Yes they can! We would encourage teams to form conglomerates or clubs and there are incentives, both financial and otherwise for doing so. Also, we welcome other sporting clubs (, netball) or community groups (e.g.schools, churches) entering one or more teams in our competitions, especially in their off-season. If you are looking to enter an entire team please get in touch with the domestic coordinator (contact details below)

Yes, many Domestic players have progressed into District sides as they have improved and an opportunity has become available. We would encourage players who move to District, as well as current District players, to continue to play Domestic at the same time.

Age grouping is in line with the District program based on year of birth (see below), however in the SJDL we are flexible depending on experience and ability, and will treat each player on a case-by-case basis where necessary.

U8s – 2014/2015/2016
U10s – 2013/2014
U12s – 2011/2012
U14s – 2009/2010
U16s – 2007/2008
U19s – 2004/2005/2006

Under 8s play 2 x 20 minute halves, Under 10s and up play 4 x 10 minute quarters. There is a running clock and there are one minute breaks during intervals.

Yes. Our Under 8 games have several altered conditions – our coaches are allowed on the court with the players to help with direction and spacing; when making a violation, our referees explain to the player where they have gone wrong, and give them the ball back from the spot on the court the error was made. A follow-up mistake will result in possession to the other team. There is no full court defence.

Our Pink Devils girls program is the only one of its kind in the state. Starting at 1 team and evolving to as many as 11 in a season over the last couple of years, it is a great way to get involved in basketball with a friendly balance of fun and competitiveness.

There are new reversible singlets are available through Sturt’s online store and our uniform suppliers Blackchrome, which are currently priced at around $45.

The domestic uniform can be purchased online, if your child is being placed into a team by Sturt they will likely use the domestic reversible. The turnaround time for the uniform is around 4-6 weeks. Duplicates of playing numbers are not critical in Domestic (as opposed to District where two players cannot play with the same number). We ask that you choose a number based on the following guidelines:

  • The player's birth day (e.g. #21 if they are born on the 21st)
  • The player's birth day + 31 (e.g. #52)
  • Any number between 63 and 99

Please contact the Sturt Junior Domestic League Coordinator if you need any more information.

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